(pl. -ies)
1- an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offences(对政治犯的)大赦, 赦免:
an amnesty for political prisoners
mass noun the new law granted amnesty to those who illegally left the country.新的法律赦免了那些非法出境者。
- an undertaking by the authorities to take no action against specified offences or offenders during a fixed period大赦令:
a month-long weapons amnesty.
-ies, -ied
with obj. grant an official pardon to对…实行大赦, 赦免:the guerrillas would be amnestied and allowed to return to civilian life.
游击队员将被赦免, 回归平民生活。
late 16th cent.: via Latin from Greek amnēstia 'forgetfulness'.