1- not enjoying or making an effort to behave sociably in the company of others不合群的; 不爱交际的:
Terry was grumpy and unsociable.
特里脾气坏, 也不爱交际。
- not conducive to friendly social relations不利于交际的:
watching TV is a fairly unsociable activity.
There is some overlap in the use of the adjectives unsociable, unsocial, and antisocial, but they also have distinct core meanings. Generally speaking, unsociable means 'not enjoying the company of others', as in Terry was grumpy and unsociable. Antisocial means 'contrary to the laws and customs of a society', as in aggressive and antisocial behaviour. Unsocial is usually restricted to the sense ' (of hours) falling outside the normal working day', as in employees were expected to work unsocial hours.