- not open to objection, but not particularly new or exciting无可指责的; 无懈可击的; 完美无缺的:
the unexceptionable belief that society should be governed by law.
There is a clear distinction in meaning between exceptionable ('open to objection') and exceptional ('out of the ordinary; very good'). However, this distinction has become blurred in the negative forms unexceptionable and unexceptional. Strictly speaking, unexceptionable means 'not open to objection', as in this view is unexceptionable in itself, while unexceptional means 'not out of the ordinary; usual', as in the hotel was adequate but unexceptional. But, although the distinction may be clear in these two examples, the meaning of unexceptionable is often indeterminate between 'not open to objection' and 'ordinary', as in the food was bland and unexceptionable or the candidates were pretty unexceptionable.