usu. as submodifier
1- in a way or to an extent that gives a misleading impression看似:
- to a lesser extent than appears the case不像看上去那么:
the idea was deceptively simple.
- to a greater extent than appears the case比实际更显得:
the airy and deceptively spacious lounge.
Deceptively belongs to a very small set of words whose meaning is genuinely ambiguous in that it can be used in similar contexts to mean both one thing and also its complete opposite. A deceptively smooth surface is one which appears smooth but in fact is not smooth at all, while a deceptively spacious room is one that does not look spacious but is in fact more spacious than it appears. But what is a deceptively steep gradient? Or a person who is described as deceptively strong? To avoid confusion, it is probably best to reword and not to use deceptively in such contexts at all.