/ˌʌndəˈstænd/- with obj. perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or speaker)理解; 懂:
he didn't understand a word I said
he could usually make himself understood
with clause she understood what he was saying.她听得懂他的话。
- perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of (something)了解; 明白:
she didn't really understand the situation
with clause he couldn't understand why we burst out laughing他不明白我们为何突然放声大笑
no obj. you don't understand - she has left me你不知道——她已经离开了我。
- be sympathetically or knowledgeably aware of the character or nature of懂; 理解:
Picasso understood colour
with clause I understand how you feel.我理解你的感受。
- interpret or view (something) in a particular way解释:
as the term is usually understood, legislation refers to regulations and directives.
按通常理解, 法规是指条例和指令。
- with clause infer something from information received (often used as a polite formula in conversation)(常用于交谈中表示礼貌) 推断; 猜想; 以为:
I understand you're at art school
with obj. as I understood it she was flying back to the States tomorrow.就我所知, 她明天将飞回美国。
- with obj.(常作be understood)regard (a missing word, phrase, or idea) as present; supply mentally不言自明:
'present company excepted' is always understood when sweeping generalizations are being made.
- with obj.(常作be understood)assume to be the case; take for granted认为…理所当然; 视…不言而喻:
he liked to play the field, that was understood.