- Davies1, Sir Peter Maxwell (b. 1934), English composer and conductor, influenced particularly by serialism and early English music. Notable works: Eight Songs for a Mad King (1969) and Taverner (1970).戴维斯, 彼得·马克斯韦尔爵士(1934年生, 英格兰作曲家和指挥家, 尤其受到十二音阶和早期英格兰音乐的影响; 代表作品《疯王八歌》[1969]和《塔弗纳》[1970])。
- Davies2, W. H. (1871-1940), English poet; full name William Henry Davies. He emigrated to the US and lived as a vagrant and labourer, writing The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp (1908) about his experiences.戴维斯, W· H (1871-1940, 英格兰诗人, 全名威廉·亨利·戴维斯, 移居美国, 后成为游民和劳工, 在《超级流浪汉自传》[1908]中描绘了他的经历)。
- Davies3, (William) Robertson (1913-95), Canadian novelist, dramatist, and journalist. He won international recognition with his Deptford trilogy of novels, comprising Fifth Business (1970), The Manticore (1972), and World of Wonders (1975).戴维斯, (威廉·)罗伯逊(1913-1995, 加拿大小说家、戏剧家和记者, 以德特福德三部曲赢得了世界认可, 包括《第五件事》[1970], 《人头狮身蛇尾兽》[1972], 《奇异的世界》[1975])。