- (died c. 962 BC) , king of Judah and Israel c. 1000-c. 962 BC. In the biblical account he was the youngest son of Jesse who killed the Philistine Goliath and, on Saul's death, became king, making Jerusalem his capital. He is traditionally regarded as the author of the Psalms, though this has been disputed.大卫(卒于约公元前962年, 约公元前1000-约前962年任犹大和以色列国王, 在《圣经》中被描绘成耶西的幼子, 杀了腓力斯巨人歌利亚, 在扫罗死后成为国王, 将耶路撒冷作为首都; 传说是《诗篇》的作者, 但此说有争议)。
- the name of two kings of Scotland戴维(苏格兰两位国王的名字):
- David Ⅰ (c. 1084-1153), sixth son of Malcolm Ⅲ, reigned 1124-53. In 1136 he invaded England in support of his niece Matilda's claim to the throne, but was defeated at the Battle of the Standard in 1138.戴维一世(约1084-1153, 马尔科姆三世的第六子, 1124-1153年在位, 1136年为支持侄儿马蒂尔达即位入侵英格兰, 但在1138年斯坦达德之战中战败)。
- David Ⅱ (1324-71), son of Robert the Bruce, reigned 1329-71. His reign witnessed a renewal of fighting with England, with Edward Ⅲ supporting the pretender Edward de Baliol. His death without issue left the throne to the Stuarts.戴维二世(罗伯特布鲁斯之子, 1329-1371年在位, 统治期间与英格兰再度开战, 与爱德华三世作战以支持妄求者爱德华; 死后无嗣, 王位归于斯图亚特家族)。
- David3, Elizabeth (1913-92), British cookery writer. She played a leading role in introducing Mediterranean cuisine to Britain in the 1950s and 1960s.戴维, 伊丽莎白(1913-1992, 英国烹饪著作作家, 在20世纪50和60年代将地中海菜系引进英国中起了重要的作用)。
- David4, Jacques-Louis (1748-1825), French painter, famous for neoclassical paintings such as The Oath of the Horatii (1784). He became actively involved in the French Revolution, voting for the death of Louis ⅩⅥ and supporting Robespierre.大卫, 雅克-路易(1748-1825, 法国画家, 以新古典主义画作著名, 例如《贺拉斯兄弟之誓》[1784]; 积极参加法国革命, 支持判处路易十六世死刑, 支持罗伯斯庇尔)。