- the day of the month or year as specified by a number日期:
what's the date today?
they've set a date for the wedding.
- a particular day or year when a given event occurred or will occur(特别的)日子, 年份:
1066 is the most famous date in English history.
the years of a particular person's birth and death or of the beginning and end of a particular period or event生卒年份, 起讫日期。
- the period of time to which an artefact or structure belongs时期, 年代:
the church is the largest of its date.
- a written, printed, or stamped statement on a document or as an inscription giving the day, month, and year of writing, publication, or manufacture时间, 年代标识:
these Roman coins bear an explicit date.
- informal a social or romantic appointment or engagement〈非正式〉约会。
- a person with whom one has such an engagement约会对象:
my date isn't going to show, it seems.
- a musical or theatrical engagement or performance, especially as part of a tour(巡回)演出。
- establish or ascertain the date of (an object or event)确定…的年代:
they date the paintings to 1460-70.
- mark with a date给…标署日期:
sign and date the document.
- no obj. originate at a particular time; have existed since追溯到, 自…起:
the controversy dates back to 1986.
- indicate or expose as being old-fashioned使过时, 使显得过时:
jazzy - does that word date me?
- no obj. seem old-fashioned显得过时:
the coat may be pricey but it will never date
这件外套可能是很贵, 但是它永远不会过时
as adj. dated a dated expression.过时的用语。
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. go out with (someone in whom one is romantically or sexually interested)〈非正式, 主北美〉约会:
my sister's pretty judgemental about the girls I date
no obj. they have been dating for more than a year.他们约会了一年多。
to date
- until now迄今, 至今:
their finest work to date.
- a sweet, dark brown, oval fruit containing a hard stone, usually eaten dried枣子。
- (亦作date palm)a tall palm tree which bears clusters of this fruit, native to western Asia and North Africa枣椰树, 战捷木。
- Phoenix dactylifera, family Palmae.拉丁名Phoenix dactylifera,棕榈科。