/ˈdæneɪɪdz/- Greek Mythology the daughters of Danaus, king of Argos, who were compelled to marry the sons of his brother Aegyptus but murdered their husbands on the wedding night, except for one, Hypermnestra, who helped her husband to escape. The remaining Danaids were punished in Hades by being set to fill a leaky jar with water.【希腊神话】达那俄得斯姐妹(阿耳戈斯国王达那俄斯的女儿们, 被迫嫁给国王的兄弟埃古普托斯的儿子们, 但在新婚之夜将丈夫们杀死, 只有许珀尔涅斯特拉帮助丈夫逃走; 其他姐妹在冥府里被罚给一漏坛子加水)。