(pl. -ies)
1- a small European grassland plant which has flowers with a yellow disc and white rays. It has given rise to many ornamental garden varieties.雏菊。
- Bellis perennis, family Compositae (or Asteraceae; the daisy family). The plants of this large family (known as composites) are distinguished by having composite flower heads consisting of numerous disc florets, ray florets, or both; they include many weeds (dandelions, thistles, ragworts) and garden flowers (asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias, marigolds).拉丁名Bellis perennis, 菊科。该植物大科特点是有头状花序, 由众多小盘花, 小边花或两者兼有的小花组成; 还包括多种草类植物(蒲公英、蓟、千里光等)和园艺花卉(紫苑、菊花、大丽花、万寿菊等)。
- used in names of other plants of this family with similar flowers, e.g. Michaelmas daisy, Shasta daisy用于此科其他具有类似花朵的植物名称中, 如Michaelmas, Shasta daisy。
as fresh as a daisy
- healthy and full of energy精力充沛。
pushing up (the) daisies
- informal dead and buried〈非正式〉已故, 已完葬。
Old English dǣges ēage 'day's eye' (because the flower opens in the morning and closes at night).