- make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool object切, 割:
he cut his big toe on a sharp stone
he cut open MacKay's face with the end of his hockey stick
no obj. figurative〈喻〉his scorn cut deeper than knives.他的轻蔑比刀割还疼。
- remove (something) from something larger by using a sharp implement剪切, 切削:
I cut his photograph out of the paper
some prisoners had their right hands cut off.
- castrate (an animal, especially a horse)阉割(动物, 尤指马)。
cut something out
make something by cutting剪出:I cut out some squares of paper.
cut something out
remove, exclude, or stop eating or doing something undesirable去除, 停止吃不好的东西, 停止做不好的事情:start today by cutting out fatty foods.
cut something out
separate an animal from the main herd(将动物从大群中)分离出来。
- divide into pieces with a knife or other sharp implement把…切碎:
cut the beef into thin slices
he cut his food up into teeny pieces.
- make divisions in (something)分割:
land that has been cut up by streams into forested areas.
- separate (something) into two; sever把…切成两半; 切断:
they cut the rope before he choked.
cut something down
make something, especially a tree, fall by cutting it through at the base(从底部)砍倒(某物, 尤指树)。
cut someone down
(of a weapon, bullet, or disease) kill or injure someone(武器, 子弹, 疾病)杀害; 使丧命(或受伤):Barker had been cut down by a sniper's bullet.
- make or form (something) by using a sharp tool to remove material切出, 割成:
workmen cut a hole in the pipe.
- make or design (a garment) in a particular way裁剪(服装):
as adj., with submodifier (cut) an impeccably cut chalk-stripe suit.裁剪完美的灰白条纹套装。
- make (a path, tunnel, or other route) by excavation, digging, or chopping掘出, 挖出, 劈出(小径、隧道或其他通道):
plans to cut a road through a rainforest
no obj. investigators called for a machete to cut through the bush调查人员叫人取来一把大砍刀在灌木丛中开路
figurative〈喻〉a large woman with a voice which cut through crowds.
- make (a sound recording)录制(音响)。
- trim or reduce the length of (something, especially grass or a person's hair or fingernails) by using a sharp implement修剪(某物, 尤指草地、头发或指甲):
cutting the lawn
cut back all the year's growth to about four leaves.
- reduce the amount or quantity of削减:
buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want
买主会努力讨价还价, 压低中意房子的价钱
I should cut down my sugar intake
no obj. they've cut back on costs他们减低了成本
the state passed a law to cut down on drunk-driving
the paper glut cuts into profits.
- abridge (a text, film, or performance) by removing material删节(文章, 电影, 表演):
he had to cut unnecessary additions made to the opening scene.
- Computing delete (part of a text or other display) completely or so as to insert a copy of it elsewhere【计算机】删除, 剪切(文章等)。参见CUT AND PASTE.
- end or interrupt the provision of (something, especially power or food supplies)切断(供给, 尤指电力或食品):
we resolved to cut oil supplies to territories controlled by the rebels
if the pump develops a fault, the electrical supply is immediately cut off.
如果泵出了问题, 电源会立即切断。
- switch off (an engine or a light)关闭(引擎, 电灯)。
- chiefly N. Amer. absent oneself deliberately from (something one should normally attend, especially school)〈主北美〉逃避, 旷课:
Rodney was cutting class.
cut something off
block the usual means of access to a place使隔绝:the caves were cut off from the outside world by a landslide.
- dated ignore or refuse to recognize (someone)〈旧〉怠慢, 不理睬。
- (of a line) cross or intersect (another line)(线)与(另一条线)相交(或交叉):
the point where the line cuts the vertical axis.
- no obj.
cut across
pass or traverse, especially so as to shorten one's route抄近道: the following aircraft cut across to join him.
- no obj.
cut across
have an effect regardless of (divisions or boundaries between groups)超越(间隔, 界限): subcultures which cut across national and political boundaries.
- no obj.
cut along
informal, dated leave or move hurriedly〈非正式, 旧〉匆忙离开, 转移: you can cut along now.
- no obj., often in imperative stop filming or recording停拍, 停录。
- with adverbial move to another shot in a film(电影)切换:
cut to a dentist's surgery.
- with obj. make (a film) into a coherent whole by removing parts or placing them in a different order剪辑(电影)。
- no obj. divide a pack of playing cards by lifting a portion from the top, either to reveal a card at random or to place the top portion under the bottom portion抽牌, 签牌(把一副牌分成两份, 随意抽翻一张或将上下两部分互换)。
- strike or kick (a ball) with an abrupt, typically downward motion削(球):
Cook cut the ball back to him.
- Golf slice (the ball)【高尔夫】打(斜切球)。
- Cricket hit (the ball) to the off side with the bat held almost horizontally; play such a stroke against (the bowler)【板球】平板向右外场击(球); 击平板右外场球。
- no obj. Cricket (of the ball) turn sharply on pitching【板球】(球)投出后急转。
- chiefly N. Amer. adulterate (a drug) or dilute (alcohol) by mixing it with another substance〈主北美〉使(药物, 酒)掺假:
speed cut with rat poison.
cut it
informal, chiefly N. Amer. come up to expectations; meet requirements〈非正式, 主北美〉符合要求:this CD player doesn't quite cut it.
ORIGIN: shortened form of the idiom cut the mustard.
- an act of cutting, in particular剪, 切, 尤指:
- in sing. a haircut理发:
his hair was in need of a cut.
- a stroke or blow given by a sharp-edged implement or by a whip or cane割; 切; 砍; 抽:
he could skin an animal with a single cut of the knife.
- figurative a wounding remark or act〈喻〉伤害的话语(或行为):
his unkindest cut at Elizabeth was to call her heartless.
- often with modifier a reduction in amount or size(数量或尺寸上的)削减:
she took a 20% pay cut
a cut in interest rates.
- Brit. a power cut〈英〉停电。
- an act of removing part of a play, film, or book, especially to shorten the work or to delete offensive material(对戏剧、电影或书的)删减(尤其是为了缩短或删去冒犯性内容):
they would not publish the book unless the author was willing to make cuts.
除非作者愿意删节, 否则他们是不会出版这部书的。
- an immediate transition from one scene to another in a film(场景的)切换。
- Golf the halfway point of a golf tournament, where half of the players are eliminated【高尔夫】(比赛)半程。
- Tennis &. Cricket a stroke made with an abrupt, typically horizontal or downward action【网球, 板球】削球; 切球。
- a result of cutting something, in particular切口, 割伤, 尤指:
- a long narrow incision in the skin made by something sharp(皮肤)切口。
- a long narrow opening or incision made in a surface or piece of material划口:
make a single cut along the top of each potato.
- a piece of meat cut from a carcass(从屠宰后的动物躯体上割下的)肉块:
a good lean cut of beef.
- in sing. informal a share of the profits from something〈非正式〉一份利润:
the directors are demanding their cut.
- a recording of a piece of music(录制的)乐曲:
a cut from his forthcoming album.
- a version of a film after editing剪辑:
the director's cut.
- a passage cut or dug out, as a railway cutting or a new channel made for a river or other waterway(铁路)路堑; 河道。
- in sing. the way or style in which something, especially a garment or someone's hair, is cut样式(尤指服装裁剪或发型):
the elegant cut of his dinner jacket.
be cut out for(或to be)
- usu. with negative informal have exactly the right qualities for a particular role, task, or job〈非正式〉正适合, 是…的料:
I'm just not cut out to be a policeman.
a cut above
- informal noticeably superior to〈非正式〉明显高人一等:
she's a cut above the rest.
cut and dried
- often with negative(of a situation) completely settled or decided(情况)敲定的, 决定好的:
the championship is not as cut and dried as everyone thinks.
ORIGIN: early 18th cent.: originally used to distinguish the herbs of herbalists' shops from growing herbs.
cut and run
- informal make a speedy or sudden departure from an awkward or hazardous situation rather than deal with it〈非正式〉开溜, 急忙离去。
- ORIGIN: originally a nautical phrase, meaning 'cut the anchor cable because of some emergency and make sail immediately'
cut and thrust
- a spirited and rapid interchange of views针锋相对:
the cut and thrust of political debate.
- a situation or sphere of activity regarded as carried out under adversarial conditions拼斗, 交锋:
the ruthless cut and thrust of the business world.
ORIGIN: originally a phrase in fencing
cut both ways
- (of a point or statement) serve both sides of an argument(论点或陈述)对双方都适用。
- ( of an action or process) have both good and bad effects(行为, 过程)兼有利弊, 有利有弊:
the triumphs of civilization cut both ways.
cut the corner
- take the shortest course by going across and not around a corner抄近路, 走捷径。
cut corners
- undertake something in what appears to be the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, especially by omitting to do something important or ignoring rules走捷径 (尤指取巧或无视规则)。
cut the crap
- often in imperative vulgar slang get to the point; state the real situation〈粗俚〉废话少说。
cut a dash
- be stylish or impressive in one's dress or behaviour(衣着或行为上)出风头; 引人注目。
cut someone dead
- completely ignore someone无视某人存在, 不屑一顾。
cut a deal
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. come to an arrangement, especially in business; make a deal〈非正式, 主北美〉(尤指商业上)达成协议, 做生意。
cut someone down to size
- informal deflate someone's exaggerated sense of self-worth〈非正式〉使不狂妄自大, 使知分寸, 使有自知之明。
cut something down to size
- reduce the size or power of something, for example an organization, which is regarded as having become too large or powerful精简; 削减(某物, 如某组织)的势力。
cut a - figure
- present oneself or appear in a particular way以…形象出现:
David has cut a dashing figure on the international social scene.
cut someone free
- free someone from something in which they are trapped使…摆脱。
cut from the same cloth
- of the same nature; similar一样的, 同类的:
don't assume all women are cut from the same cloth.
cut in line
- US jump the queue〈美〉插队。
cut it fine
- 见
cut it out
- usu. in imperative informal used to ask someone to stop doing or saying something that is annoying or offensive〈非正式〉打住, 住嘴:
I'm sick of that joke; cut it out, can't you?
我听够了那个笑话, 你能不能不说啦?
cut loose
- distance oneself from a person, group, or system by which one is unduly influenced or on which one is over-dependent摆脱; 割断联系。
- begin to act without restraint放开手脚干:
when Mannion cut loose the home side collapsed to 127 all out.
在曼尼恩队放开手脚之后, 主队仅得127分就全体出局。
cut someone/thing loose
- free someone or something from something which holds or restricts them; untie使摆脱, 解放, 松开:
he'd cut loose the horses.
cut one's losses
- abandon an enterprise or course of action that is clearly going to be unprofitable or unsuccessful before one suffers too much loss or harm(在遭受重大损失或伤害前)中断无望的事业(或计划)。
cut the mustard
- informal come up to expectations; reach the required standard〈非正式〉够格, 符合标准:
I didn't cut the mustard as a hockey player.
cut no ice
- informal have no influence or effect〈非正式〉无影响, 无效:
your holier-than-thou attitude cuts no ice with me.
cut someone off(或down)in their prime
- bring someone's life or career to an abrupt end while they are at the peak of their abilities使(某人)在能力最强时卒逝(或突然中断事业)。
cut someone/thing short
- interrupt someone or something; bring an abrupt or premature end to something said or done插嘴, 打断:
Peter cut him short rudely.
cut someone to pieces
- kill or severely injure someone杀死, 严重伤害。
- figurative totally defeat someone〈喻〉彻底击败(某人)。
cut a(或the)rug
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. dance, typically in an energetic or accomplished way〈非正式, 主北美〉(尤指充满活力或娴熟地)跳舞。
cut one's teeth
- acquire initial practice or experience of a particular sphere of activity or with a particular organization初获经验, 初试牛刀:
the brothers cut their professional teeth at Lusardi's before starting their own restaurant.
在经营自己饭店之前, 两兄弟在卢萨尔迪餐厅里获得最初的职业经验。
cut a tooth
- (of a baby) have a tooth appear through the gum(婴儿)长牙。
cut to the chase
- N. Amer. informal come to the point〈北美, 非正式〉进入正题:
cut to the chase - what is it you want us to do?
言归正传, 你到底想要我们做什么?
ORIGIN: cut in the sense 'move to another part of the film', expressing the notion of ignoring any preliminaries.
cut up rough
- Brit. informal behave in an aggressive, quarrelsome, or awkward way〈英, 非正式〉气势汹汹, 发火, 失态。
cut up well
- Brit. archaic bequeath a large fortune.〈英, 古〉遗赠大笔钱财。
cut your coat according to your cloth
- proverb undertake only what you have the money or ability to do and no more〈谚〉看布裁衣, 量入为出。
have one's work cut out
- 见WORK.
make the cut
- usu. with negative Golf equal or better a required score, thus avoiding elimination from the last two rounds of a four-round tournament【高尔夫】(四场制赛)取得进入后两场比赛的资格。
miss the cut
- Golf fail to equal or better a required score, thus being eliminated from the last two rounds of a four-round tournament【高尔夫】(四场制赛)未取得进入后两场比赛的资格。
cut in
- interrupt someone while they are speaking插话:
'It's urgent,' Raoul cut in.
“情况紧急”, 拉乌尔插话说。
- pull in too closely in front of another vehicle after having overtaken it超车抢道, 超车后急插在前:
she cut in on a station wagon, forcing the driver to brake.
她超过一辆旅行车后再插在它前面, 迫使该司机急忙刹车。
- (of a motor or other mechanical device) begin operating, especially when triggered automatically by an electrical signal(发动机或其他机械装置)接通, 开动(尤指由电流信号自动引发):
emergency generators cut in.
- dated interrupt a dancing couple to take over from one partner〈旧〉抢走舞伴。
cut someone in
- informal include someone in a deal and give them a share of the profits〈非正式〉让…入伙(分利润)。
cut into
- interrupt the course of打断:
Victoria's words cut into her thoughts.
cut someone off
- interrupt someone while they are speaking打断(某人讲话)。
- interrupt someone during a telephone call by breaking the connection挂断:
I listened to pre-recorded messages for twenty-three minutes before being cut off.
- prevent someone from receiving or being provided with something, especially power or water停止, 切断供应(某物, 尤指电、水):
consumers cut off for non-payment.
- reject someone as one's heir; disinherit someone剥夺…继承权:
Gabrielle's family cut her off without a penny.
- prevent someone from having access to somewhere or someone; isolate someone from something they previously had connections with使无法进入, 使无法接近; 使隔绝:
we were cut off from reality.
cut out
- (of a motor or engine) suddenly stop operating(发动机, 引擎)突然停转。
- N. Amer. informal (of a person) leave quickly, especially so as to avoid a boring or awkward situation〈北美, 非正式〉(尤指为躲避无趣或尴尬的情况)开溜。
cut someone out
- exclude someone排除(某人):
his mother cut him out of her will.
cut up
- N. Amer. informal behave in a mischievous or unruly manner〈北美, 非正式〉淘气, 无礼打闹:
kids cutting up in a classroom.
- informal (of a horse race) have a particular selection of runners〈非正式〉(赛马)有某种阵容:
the race has cut up badly with no other opposition from England.
由于没有来自英格兰的其他对手, 这场赛马阵容奇差。
cut someone up
- informal (of a driver) overtake someone and pull in too closely in front of them〈非正式〉(司机)超车后从近处抢道。
- informal, chiefly N. Amer. criticize someone severely〈非正式, 主北美〉苛责:
my kids cut him up about his appetite all the time.