/ˈtɪndəl/- Tyndale, William (c. 1494-1536), English translator and Protestant martyr. Faced with ecclesiastical opposition to his project for translating the Bible into English, Tyndale left England in 1524. His translations of the Bible later formed the basis of the Authorized Version. He was burnt at the stake as a heretic in Antwerp.廷德尔, 威廉(约1494-1536, 英格兰翻译家和新教殉难者, 因英译《圣经》遭教会人士反对, 1524年离开英国, 其《圣经》英译本后来成为钦定《圣经》译本的基础; 他本人在比利时安特卫普被当作持异端者而以火刑处死)。