/ˌtuːvəˈlʊ/- a country in the SW Pacific consisting of a group of nine main islands, formerly called the Ellice Islands; pop. 12,400 (est. 2009); official languages, English and Tuvaluan (local Austronesian language); capital, Funafuti. The islands formed part of the British colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands but separated from the Gilberts after a referendum in 1975. Tuvalu became independent within the Commonwealth in 1978.图瓦卢(太平洋西南部国家, 由九个大岛组成, 原称埃利斯群岛; 2009年估计人口12,400, 官方语言英语, 图瓦卢语[本地澳斯特罗尼西亚语]; 首都富纳富提; 该群岛曾是英属殖民地吉尔伯特和埃利斯群岛的组成部分, 但在1975年全民公决后脱离吉尔伯特, 1978年独立成为英联邦成员)。