/tjuːˈsəʊ/- Tussaud, Madame (1761-1850), French founder of Madame Tussaud's waxworks, resident in Britain from 1802; née Marie Grosholtz. She took death masks in wax of prominent victims of the French Revolution and later toured Britain with her wax models. In 1835 she founded a permanent waxworks exhibition in Baker Street, London.图索德夫人(1761-1850, 图索德夫人蜡像馆的法国创办人; 自1802年起居住在英国, 出生名玛丽·格罗肖尔兹; 她用蜡制作法国革命中重要死难者的面模, 后在英国巡回展览; 1835年, 她在伦敦贝克街创办永久性蜡像展览馆)。