/ˈtɜːkɪ/- a country comprising the whole of the Anatolian peninsula in western Asia, with a small enclave in SE Europe to the west of Istanbul; pop. 76,805,500 (est. 2009); official language, Turkish; capital, Ankara土耳其(领土包括西亚的整个安纳托利亚半岛和伊斯坦布尔以西的欧洲东南部小块地区, 2009年估计人口76,805,500; 官方语言土耳其语, 首都安卡拉)。
Turkey was the centre of the Ottoman Empire, established in the late Middle Ages and largely maintained until its collapse at the end of the First World War, in which Turkey supported the Central Powers. The nationalist leader Kemal Atatuürk established the modern republic of Turkey in the 1920s. Turkey was neutral in the Second World War but is a member of NATO.