Tupolev, Andrei (Nikolaievich) (1888-1972), Russian aeronautical engineer. He produced Russia's first jet bomber (1946) and jet passenger plane. With his son Alexei (1925-2001) he designed the world's first supersonic airliner, whose maiden flight in December 1968 preceded that of Concorde by two months; it was, however, never commercially viable.
图波列夫, 安德烈(·尼古拉耶维奇)(1888-1972, 俄罗斯航空工程师, 造出俄国第一架喷气式轰炸机[1946]和喷气式客机; 与其子阿力克谢[1925-2001]一起设计了世界上第一架超音速客机, 并于1968年12月首航, 比协和式超音速客机的首航早了两个月; 然而他们设计的超音速飞机未能投入商业运营)。