/tʊŋˈguːskə/- two rivers in Siberian Russia, the
L ower Tunguska andS tony Tunguska, flowing westwards into the Yenisei River through the forested, sparsely populated Tunguska Basin. The area was the scene in 1908 of a devastating explosion believed to have been due to the disintegration in the atmosphere of a meteorite or small comet.通古斯河(俄罗斯西伯利亚两河流: 下通古斯河和石泉通古斯河; 两条河向西流过森林茂密、人口稀少的通古斯盆地, 注入叶尼塞河; 1908年该地区曾有一起被认为是因陨星或小彗星在大气中解体而引发的极具毁坏力的爆炸)。