- Cromwell1, Oliver (1599-1658), English general and statesman, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth (1653-8). Cromwell was the leader of the victorious Parliamentary forces (or Roundheads) in the English Civil War. As head of state he styled himself Lord Protector, and refused Parliament's offer of the Crown in 1657. His rule was notable for its puritan reforms in the Church of England. He was briefly succeeded by his son Richard (1626-1712), who was forced into exile in 1659.克伦威尔, 奥利弗(1599-1658, 英国将军、政治家, 1653-1658任护国公; 内战时系国会军即圆颅党人的首领; 作为国家元首, 他称自己为护国公而拒绝了议会1657年给他加冕的提议, 他的统治以在英国国教会中进行清教式改革而著名; 他的儿子理查德[1626-1712]曾短暂继位, 但于1659年被迫流放)。
adjective- Cromwell2, Thomas (c.1485-1540), English statesman, chief minister to Henry Ⅷ 1531-40. He presided over the king's divorce from Catherine of Aragon (1533) and his break with the Roman Catholic Church as well as the dissolution of the monasteries and the 1534 Act of Supremacy. He fell from favour over Henry's marriage to Anne of Cleves and was executed on a charge of treason.克伦威尔, 托马斯(约1485-1540, 英国政治家, 1531-1540年担任亨利八世的主要谋臣; 除了解散隐修院和终止1534年的《至尊法》外, 他还主持了国王与阿拉贡的凯瑟琳的离婚[1533]及国王与罗马天主教会的决裂; 后因支持亨利与克利夫斯的安妮结婚而垮台, 并被以犯有叛国罪的罪名而遭处决)。