Cro-Magnon man
mass noun
- the earliest form of modern human in Europe, associated with the Aurignacian flint industry. Their appearance c.35,000 years ago marked the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic and the apparent decline and disappearance of Neanderthal man; the group persisted at least into the Neolithic period.克罗马农人(欧洲最早的现代人, 与奥瑞纳文化的燧石业有关, 生活于约35,000年前, 他们的出现标志着上后期旧石器时代的开始和尼安德特人的衰落和消失; 克罗马农人至少继续存在到了新石器时代)。
Cro-Magnon, the name of a hill in the Dordogne, France, where remains were found in 1868.