/ˈtruːmən/- Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972), American Democratic statesman, 33rd President of the US 1945-53. He authorized the use of the atom bomb against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, introduced the Marshall Plan of emergency aid in 1948 to war-shattered European countries, and involved the US in the Korean War.杜鲁门, 哈里·S(1884-1972, 美国民主党政治家, 第33任总统[1945-1953]; 他授权使用原子弹轰炸广岛和长崎, 1948年对饱受战争创伤的欧洲国家实行马歇尔计划提供紧急援助, 并使美国卷入朝鲜战争)。