释义 |
a city on the coast of NW Peru; pop. 682,800 (est. 2007). 特鲁希略(秘鲁西北海岸城市, 2007年估计人口682,800)。
Trujillo2, Rafael (1891-1961), Dominican statesman, President of the Dominican Republic 1930-8 and 1942-52; born Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina; known as Generalissimo. Although he was formally President for only two periods, he wielded dictatorial powers from 1930 until his death. 特鲁希略, 拉斐尔(1891-1961, 多米尼加政治家, 多米尼加共和国总统[1930-1938,1942-1952], 出生名拉菲尔·莱昂尼达斯·特鲁希略·莫利纳, 通称“统帅”; 尽管他形式上仅当了两届总统, 但从1930年起至死, 一直都在行使独裁统治的权力)。