/truːˈdəʊ/- Trudeau, Pierre (Elliott) (1919-2000), Canadian Liberal statesman, Prime Minister of Canada 1968-79 and 1980- 4. Noted for his commitment to federalism, Trudeau made both English and French official languages of the Canadian government (1969), and presided over the transfer of residual constitutional powers from Britain to Canada in 1982.特鲁多, 皮埃尔(·艾略特)(1919-2000, 加拿大自由党政治家, 加拿大总理[1968-1979,1980-1984], 因坚定不移地支持联邦制度而闻名; 特鲁多于1969年促使英语和法语都成为加拿大政府的官方语言, 并于1982年在他任期内, 促成了英国向加拿大移交了剩余的制宪权利)。