(in Homeric legend) the city of King Priam, besieged for ten years by the Greeks during the Trojan War. It was regarded as having been a purely legendary city until Heinrich Schliemann identified the mound of Hissarlik on the NE Aegean coast of Turkey as the site of Troy. The city was apparently sacked and destroyed by fire in the mid 13th century
BC, a period coinciding with the Mycenaean civilization of Greece. Also called
特洛伊(荷马传奇故事中普里阿摩斯国王的城市, 在特洛伊战争中被希腊人围攻达十年之久; 它曾被认为只是传说中的城市, 直至海因里希·谢里曼认定土耳其爱琴海东北海岸的希萨尔立克圆丘是特洛伊遗址; 该城在公元前13世纪中叶明显遭到洗劫并被大火摧毁, 而此时正与希腊迈锡尼文明处于同一时期)。亦称