Trojan Horse
1- (in Greek mythology) a hollow wooden statue of a horse in which the Greeks are said to have concealed themselves in order to enter Troy【希腊神话】特洛伊木马(一空心木马, 据传说古希腊人为进入特洛伊城而藏身于其中)。
- figurative a person or thing intended secretly to undermine or bring about the downfall of an enemy or opponent〈喻〉秘密的颠覆分子(或事物):
the rebels may use this peace accord as a Trojan horse to try and take over.
- Computing a program designed to breach the security of a computer system while ostensibly performing some innocuous function【计算机】特洛伊木马(一种表面上运行某些无害功能但却破坏计算机系统安全的程序)。