Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556), English Protestant cleric and martyr. After helping to negotiate Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon, he was appointed the first Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury in 1532. He was responsible for liturgical reform and the compilation of the Book of Common Prayer (1549). In the reign of Mary Tudor Cranmer was tried for treason and heresy and burnt at the stake.
克兰麦, 托马斯(1489-1556, 英国新教传教士和殉教者, 在协助处理亨利八世与凯瑟琳的离婚案后, 于1532年被任命为第一任坎特伯雷大主教, 他领导了礼拜仪式改革, 修订了《公祷书》[1549], 在玛丽·都铎克兰麦统治时期以叛逆与信奉异教罪受审, 被烧死在火刑柱上)。