Tristan da Cunha
/ˈtrɪstəndəˈkuːnjə/- the largest of a small group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic, 2,112 km (1,320 miles) south-west of the British colony of St Helena, of which it is a dependency; pop. 300 (est. 2006). It was discovered in 1506 by the Portuguese admiral Tristo da Cunha and annexed to Britain in 1816.特里斯坦-达库尼亚岛(南大西洋一小火山岛群中最大岛屿, 位于英国殖民地圣赫勒拿岛西南2,112公里, 即1,320英里处, 为圣赫勒拿岛之附属岛屿, 2006年估计人口300; 该岛于1506年被葡萄牙舰队司令特里斯坦·达·库尼亚发现, 1816年被英国吞并。)