a district in central London, originally the convent garden of the Abbey of Westminster. It was the site for 300 years of London's chief fruit and vegetable market, which in 1974 was moved to Nine Elms, Battersea. The first Covent Garden Theatre was opened in 1732; since 1946 it has been the home of the national opera and ballet companies, based at the Royal Opera House (built 1888).
科文特加登(伦敦中心一地区, 原为威斯敏斯特大教堂的修道院的花园, 在长达300年的时间内曾为伦敦的主要水果蔬菜市场, 1974年搬至巴特西的九榆树; 第一个科文特加登剧院开张于1732年, 1946年起以建于1888年的皇家歌剧院为基础, 成为国家歌剧团和芭蕾舞剧团之家)。