- in sing. the route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river(船、飞机、道路或河流的)路线, 路径; 走向; 航向:
the road adopts a tortuous course along the coast
the new fleet changed course to join the other ships.
- the way in which something progresses or develops进展; 进程; 过程; 经过:
the course of history
- a procedure adopted to deal with a situation行动方针; 程序; 做法:
the wisest course of action is to tackle the problem at source.
- the route of a race or similar sporting event(赛跑或其他类似比赛项目的)跑道, 路线。
- a dish, or a set of dishes served together, forming one of the successive parts of a meal一道菜:
guests are offered a choice of main course
in combination a four-course meal一顿有四道菜的饭。
- count noun an area of land set aside and prepared for racing, golf, or another sport跑马场; 高尔夫球场; 球场; 比赛场地。
- a series, in particular系列; 连续, 尤指:
- a series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject, typically leading to a qualification(常指可因此得到资格证书的某一学科的)课程:
a business studies course
- Medicine a series of repeated treatments or doses of medication【医】疗程:
the doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics.
- Bell-ringing a series of changes which brings the bells back to their original order, or the changes of a particular bell【鸣钟术】(使所有钟恢复原来排序的)序列编排; (某枚钟的)排序变动。
- Architecture a continuous horizontal layer of brick, stone, or other material in a building【建筑】(砖、石或其他建筑材料的连续水平)层。
- a pursuit of game (especially hares) with greyhounds by sight rather than scent(凭灵𤟥的视觉而非嗅觉的)追踪狩猎(尤指野兔)。
- a sail on the lowest yards of a square-rigged ship(横帆或帆船的)横帆, 大横帆。
- a set of adjacent strings on a guitar, lute, etc., tuned to the same note(吉他、诗琴等上的)一组同音弦。
- no obj., with adverbial of direction(of liquid) move without obstruction; flow(液体)(无阻碍地)流动, 流淌:
tears were coursing down her cheeks
figurative 〈喻〉exultation coursed through him.
- with obj. pursue (game, especially hares) with greyhounds using sight rather than scent(凭灵𤟥的视觉而非嗅觉)追踪狩猎(猎物, 尤指野兔):
many of the hares coursed escaped unharmed
no obj. she would course for hares with her greyhounds.她将带着灵𤟥去捉野兔。
a matter of course
the course of nature
- events or processes which are normal and to be expected正常(或预料之中)的事(或过程):
each man would, in the course of nature, have his private opinions.
in course of -
- undergoing the specified process在…过程中, 正在…中:
a new text book was in course of preparation.
- during the specified period在…期间:
he was a friend to many people in the course of his life.
- during and as a part of the specified activity在(某项活动)期间, 作为(某项活动)的一部分:
they became friends in the course of their long walks.
in (或over) the course of time
- as time goes by总有一天, 终究; 随着时间的推移:
the property will deteriorate in the course of time.
随着时间的推移, 这座宅邸会慢慢地被风化剥蚀。
in due course
- 见DUE.
of course
- used to introduce an idea or turn of events as being obvious or to be expected(用以引入某个主张或表示事情的转变)显然; 无疑:
the point is of course that the puzzle itself is misleading.
当然, 问题是这个谜本身就是误导人的。
- used to give or emphasize agreement or permission[用于表示或强调认同或许可]当然可以, 理所当然:
'Can I see you for a minute?' 'Of course.'
- introducing a qualification or admission表示有某种保留意见或承认某事当然:
of course we've been in touch by phone, but I wanted to see things for myself.
当然, 我们已打电话联系过了, 但我想亲自了解一下情况。
off course
- not following the intended route偏离航向, 偏航; 偏离方向:
the car went careering off course.
on course
- following the intended route在正确的航向(或方向)上:
he battled to keep the ship on course
figurative 〈喻〉to get back on course, I relied on one of my stock questions.
on course for/to do something
likely to achieve something可能会做成某事:he was on course for victory.
run(或 take)its course
- complete its natural development without interference完成自身的发展阶段:
his illness had to run its course to the crisis.