trigger point
1- a particular circumstance or situation which causes an event to occur导致事件发生的事态(或局面), 触发点:
the army's refusal to withdraw from the territory was the trigger point for military action.
军队拒绝从该地区撤出, 从而引发了军事行动。
- Physiology & Medicine a sensitive area of the body, stimulation or irritation of which causes a specific effect in another part, especially a tender area in a muscle which causes generalized musculoskeletal pain when overstimulated【生理, 医】触发点(受刺激后影响身体其他部分的人体敏感区, 尤指受过度刺激后引起全身性肌肉与骨骼疼痛的肌肉中疼痛部位)。