- a cunning or skilful act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone诡计, 花招, 骗局:
he's a double-dealer capable of any mean trick.
- a mischievous practical joke恶作剧, 戏弄:
she thought Elaine was playing some trick on her.
- a skilful act performed for entertainment or amusement戏法, 把戏:
he did conjuring tricks for his daughters.
- an illusion幻觉:
I thought I saw a flicker of emotion, but it was probably a trick of the light.
我想我看到了情感的闪现, 但这可能是一时眼花。
- a clever or particular way of doing something技巧, 技艺, 窍门:
the trick is to put one ski forward and kneel.
窍门就是把一只滑雪橇前移, 然后屈膝。
- a peculiar or characteristic habit or mannerism特别的(或特有的)习惯, 方式:
she had a trick of clipping off certain words and phrases.
- (in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a sequence of cards forming a single round of play. One card is laid down by each player, the highest card being the winner.(桥牌、惠斯特等牌戏)一圈, 一墩。
- informal a prostitute's client〈非正式〉嫖客。
- a sailor's turn at the helm, usually lasting for two or four hours舵手的一班(一般为二或四小时)。
- (常作be tricked)deceive or outwit (someone) by being cunning or skilful欺骗, 哄骗(某人):
many people have been tricked by villains with false identity cards.
trick someone into
use deception to make someone do (something)骗某人做(某事):he tricked her into parting with the money.
trick someone out of
use deception to deprive someone of (something)骗走某人的(东西):two men tricked a pensioner out of several hundred pounds.
- Heraldry sketch(a coat of arms) in outline, with the colours indicated by letters or signs【纹章】(用由字母、符号标明的颜色)给(盾形徽章)勾勒轮廓。
- intended or used to deceive or mystify, or to create an illusion骗人的, 令人迷惑的, 产生幻觉的:
a trick question.
- N. Amer. liable to fail; defective〈北美〉易失败的; 有毛病的:
a trick knee.
do the trick
- informal achieve the required result〈非正式〉达到预期目的。
every trick in the book
- informal every available method of achieving what one wants〈非正式〉(达到目的的)各种可能方法。
how's tricks?
- informal used as a friendly greeting〈非正式〉你好吗(表示友善的问候语):
'How's tricks in your neck of the woods?'
not miss a trick
- 见MISS1.
the oldest trick in the book
- a ruse so hackneyed that it should no longer deceive anyone书中的老把戏(非常过时, 无法再骗人)。
tricks of the trade
- special ingenious techniques used in a profession or craft, especially those that are little known by outsiders(尤指外行很少懂的)行业秘诀。
turn a trick
- informal (of a prostitute) have a session with a client〈非正式〉(妓女)接客。
up to one's (old) tricks
- informal misbehaving in a characteristic way〈非正式〉耍老花招。
adjective (dated 〈旧〉)trick someone/thing out(或up) (一般作be tricked out)
- dress or decorate someone or something in an elaborate or showy way盛装打扮某人; 隆重装饰某物:
a Marine tricked out in World War Ⅱ kit and weaponry.