(pl. -ies)
- a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something歪曲, 曲解:
the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice.
(-ies, -ied)with obj.
- represent in such a way错误(或荒谬、歪曲)地描述, 歪曲:
Michael has betrayed the family by travestying them in his plays.
迈克尔在他的剧作中嘲讽这一家人, 从而辜负了他们。
mid 17th cent. (as an adjective in the sense 'dressed to appear ridiculous'): from French travesti 'disguised', past participle of travestir, from Italian travestire, from trans- 'across' + vestire 'clothe'.