- a police officer警察。
- (亦作cop-on)[mass noun] Irish shrewdness; practical intelligence〈爱尔兰〉精明; 明智:
he had the cop-on to stay clear of Hugh Thornley.
他很精明, 避免与休·索恩利交往。
- catch or arrest (an offender)抓获, 逮捕(违法者):
he was copped for speeding.
- incur (something unwelcome)招致; 引起; 遭受(不好的事情):
England's captain copped most of the blame.
cop it
Brit. get into trouble〈英〉陷入麻烦:will you cop it from your dad if you get back late?
cop it
chiefly Brit. be killed〈主英〉被杀, 送命:he almost copped it in a horrific accident.
- US obtain (an illegal drug)〈美〉得到; 弄到(毒品):
he copped some hash for me.
- receive or attain (something welcome)收到; 得到(受欢迎的东西):
she copped an award for her role in the film.
- N. Amer. strike (an attitude or pose)〈北美〉表明(态度); 摆出(姿态):
I copped an attitude - I acted real tough.
cop a feel
- N. Amer. informal fondle someone sexually, especially in a surreptitious way or without their permission〈北美, 非正式〉(尤指偷偷地或未经许可地)摸弄别人身体。
cop hold of
- usu. in imperative Brit. take hold of〈英〉抓住, 握住:
cop hold of the suitcase, I'm off.
抓住手提箱, 我走了。
cop a plea
- N. Amer. engage in plea bargaining〈北美〉承认有罪以求轻判。
it's a fair cop
- 见
not much cop
- Brit. not very good〈英〉不太好:
they say he's not much cop as a coach.
cop off
- have a sexual encounter发生性关系:
loads of girls think that guys just want to cop off with any girl.
cop out
- avoid doing something that one ought to逃避, 回避(应做的事):
he copped out at the last moment.
cop to
- US accept or admit to〈美〉接受, 承认:
there are a lot of people in the world who don't cop to their past.