- of or at a fairly low temperature凉快的; 凉爽的:
it'll be a cool afternoon
the wind kept them cool.
- soothing or refreshing because of its low temperature凉爽的; 清凉的:
a long, cool glass of orange juice
- (especially of clothing) keeping one from becoming too hot(尤指衣服)凉快的:
people planning a holiday in the sun and looking for cool tops to pack.
- (of a colour) containing pale blue, green, or grey tones(颜色)冷色的:
the bathroom was all glass and cool, muted blues.
- showing no friendliness towards a person or enthusiasm for an idea or project(对人)冷淡的; (对想法或计划)不热心的:
he gave a cool reception to the suggestion for a research centre.
- free from excitement or anxiety冷静的; 沉着的:
he prided himself on keeping a cool head
she seems cool, calm, and collected,
- calmly audacious沉着而大胆的:
such an expensive strategy requires cool nerves.
- (of jazz, especially modern jazz) restrained and relaxed(爵士乐, 尤指现代爵士乐)有节制的; 放松的。
- informal fashionably attractive or impressive〈非正式〉酷的:
youngsters are turning to smoking because they think it makes them appear cool.
- excellent好极了的:
as exclamation our office was a sunny room with a computer you didn't even have to plug in. Cool!我们那个办公室阳光充足, 计算机甚至不用自己去插电源。棒极了!
- used to express acceptance of or agreement with something用以表示接受或同意好的; 不错:
if people want to freak out at our clubs, that's cool.
如果有人想要在我们的俱乐部撒撒野, 那也没事。
a cool-
informal used to emphasize a specified quantity or amount, especially of money〈非正式〉(尤指钱的数额)整整的; 不折不扣的:research for a new drug can cost a cool £50 million.
the cool
a fairly low temperature凉快; 凉爽:the cool of the night air
- a time or place at which the temperature is pleasantly low凉快的时间(或地点):
the cool of the day
- calmness; composure平静; 镇静:
he recovered his cool and then started laughing at us.
他恢复了平静, 接着朝我们笑了起来。
- the quality of being fashionably attractive or impressive酷; 时尚而使人印象深刻的品质:
all the cool of high fashion
- become or cause to become less hot(使)变凉; (使)变凉快:
no obj. we dived into the river to cool off我们潜到河里凉快一下
figurative 〈喻〉his feelings for her took a long time to cool
with obj. cool the pastry for five minutes.把糕点凉5分钟。
- become or cause to become calm or less excited(使)冷静; (使)平静:
no obj. after I'd cooled off, I realized I was being irrational冷静下来后, 我意识到自己很不理智
with obj. George was trying to cool him down.乔治正设法使他平静下来。
- no obj.(cool out) chiefly W. Indian relax〈主西印度〉放松:
a dreamy spot full of sunshine and sea where you could cool out and detox.
一个充满阳光的梦幻般的滨海地, 在那里你可以放松下来戒掉酒瘾。
cool it
- informal behave in a less excitable manner〈非正式〉平静下来; 冷静下来:
'Cool it and tell me why you're so ecstatic.'
“冷静下来, 告诉我你为什么这样欣喜若狂。”
cool one's heels
- 见HEEL1.
keep(或 lose)one's cool
- informal maintain (or fail to maintain) a calm and controlled attitude〈非正式〉保持(或失去)冷静。
too cool for school
- informal very cool or fashionable〈非正式〉很酷的, 很时髦的:
he has no brains, no looks, no personality, but he still thinks he's too cool for school.
他脑子不灵, 长相不佳, 缺乏个性, 可他仍然认为自己很酷。