- mass noun the power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events影响力; 控制(能力); 支配(能力); 指挥(能力); 管理(能力):
the whole operation is under the control of a production manager
the situation was slipping out of her control.
- the restriction of an activity, tendency, or phenomenon(对某种活动、趋势或现象的)限制:
crime control.
- the power to restrain something, especially one's own emotions or actions(尤指对自己的感情或行为的)自制力, 克制能力:
she was goaded beyond control.
- count noun(常作controls)a means of limiting or regulating something控制措施, 管理办法:
growing controls on local spending.
- count noun a switch or other device by which a machine is regulated(机器的)控制开关(或装置), 操纵装置, 控制(或操纵)器:
the volume control.
- with modifier the place where a particular item is verified…检查站:
passport control.
- the base from which a system or activity is directed指挥部, 指挥基地:
communications could be established with central control.
- count noun Bridge a high card that will prevent the opponents from establishing a particular suit【桥牌】控制牌。
- Computing short for CONTROL KEY.【计算机】CONTROL KEY的简称。
- a group or individual used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment(核对测量或实验结果的)对照(组或物):
platelet activity was higher in patients with the disease than in the controls.
- count noun a member of an intelligence organization who personally directs the activities of a spy(亲自指挥间谍活动的情报机构)指挥员。
controlled, controlling
- with obj. determine the behaviour or supervise the running of指挥; 管理; 监督:
he was appointed to control the company's marketing strategy.
- maintain influence or authority over维持对…的影响力; 控制; 支配:
there were never enough masters to control the unruly mobs of boys.
- limit the level, intensity, or numbers of限制…的水平(或强度、数量); 抑制, 克制:
he had to control his temper.
control oneself
remain calm and reasonable despite provocation自制, 克制自己。
- regulate (a mechanical or scientific process)控制, 调节(机械, 科学过程):
the airflow is controlled by a fan.
- as adj. controlled(of a drug) restricted by law in respect of use and possession(药物)(使用和持有)受法律管制的:
a sentence for possessing controlled substances.
- no obj.
control for
take into account (an extraneous factor that might affect the results of an experiment)考虑(可能影响实验结果的外部因素): no attempt was made to control for variations
as adj. controlled a controlled trial.控制性试验。
in control
- able to direct a situation, person, or activity(对形势、人或活动)能指挥的, 能控制的。
out of control
- no longer possible to manage失去控制。
under control
- (of a danger or emergency) such that people are able to deal with it successfully and competently(危险, 紧急情况)处于控制之下:
it took two hours to bring the blaze under control.