- a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch配偶, 伴侣(尤指在位君主的配偶)。
- a ship sailing in company with another结伴航行的船只; 随航船只; 僚舰。
no obj.(consort with)
1- habitually associate with (someone), typically with the disapproval of others(尤指别人反对的)结交; 交往:
you chose to consort with the enemy.
consort with/to
archaic agree or be in harmony with〈古〉同意; 符合, 一致; 协调。
late Middle English (denoting a companion or colleague): via French from Latin consors 'sharing, partner', from con- 'together with' + sors, sort- 'lot, destiny'. The verb senses are probably influenced by similar senses (now obsolete) of the verb sort.