- a major river of central Africa, which rises as the Lualaba to the south of Kisangani in northern Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) and flows 4,630 km (2,880 miles) in a great curve westwards, turning south-westwards to form the border with the Congo before emptying into the Atlantic.刚果河(中非一主要河流, 其上游称卢阿拉巴河, 流向位于扎伊尔[即刚果民主共和国]北部的基桑加尼以南, 全长4,630公里[2,880英里], 西折后流向西南, 形成与刚果的边界, 最后注入大西洋)。亦称Z
- an equatorial country in Africa, with a short Atlantic coastline; pop. 4,012, 800 (est. 2009); languages, French (official), Kikongo, and other Bantu languages; capital, Brazzaville.刚果(非洲一赤道国家, 有很短的大西洋海岸线, 2009年估计人口4,012, 800; 法语为官方语言, 也使用刚果语和其他班图语; 首都为布拉柴维尔)。亦称the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville.
The region was colonized in the 19th century by France, and as Middle Congo formed part of the larger territory of French Congo (later, French Equatorial Africa). The country became independent in 1960.