- a member of a central Asian people who inhabited the Tarim Basin in the 1st millennium AD吐火罗人(第一个千年时居住于塔里木盆地的中亚人的一支)。
- mass noun either of two extinct languages (Tocharian A and Tocharian B) spoken by this people, the most easterly of known ancient Indo-European languages, surviving in a few documents and inscriptions and showing curious affinities to Celtic and Italic languages吐火罗语(吐火罗人使用的语言, 分A种语和B种语, 均已消亡, 是已知古代印欧语系中最东部的语言, 只存在于少数文献和碑文中, 与凯尔特语和意大利语有令人费解的相似)。
- of or relating to this people or their language(与)吐火罗人(有关)的; (与)吐火罗语(有关)的。
from French tocharien, via Latin from Greek Tokharoi, the name of a Scythian tribe (almost certainly unrelated to the Tocharians).