- in a constant movement backwards and forwards or from side to side来来往往地, 往复地:
she cradled him, rocking him to and fro.
她把他放在摇篮里, 不停地摇着。
no obj.(be toing and froing)
1- move constantly backwards and forwards来来回回, 往复移动:
the ducks were toing and froing
as noun toing and froing it does cost a lot, all this toing and froing up to London.到伦敦的这些来来回回花费真不小。
- repeatedly discuss or think about something without making any progress反复讨论(或思量)。
in sing.
1- constant movement backwards and forwards来来往往, 往复:
Wilkie watched the to and fro of their dancing.
- constant change in action, attitude, or focus(行为、态度或焦点问题上的)反复, 变化无常。