/ˈkɒmərəʊz/- a country consisting of a group of islands in the Indian Ocean north of Madagascar; pop. 752,400 (est. 2009); languages, French (official), Arabic (official), Comoran Swahili; capital, Moroni. The islands were first visited by the English at the end of the 16th century. At that time and for long afterwards Arab influence was dominant. In the mid 19th century they came under French protection, until in 1974 all but one of the four major islands voted for independence.科摩罗(印度洋中群岛国家, 位于马达加斯加北面, 2009年估计人口752,400; 官方语言为法语和阿拉伯语, 还讲科摩罗斯瓦希里语; 首都莫罗尼; 16世纪末英国人首先到访, 在那时和以后的很长一段时间里, 阿拉伯势力占据了统治地位; 19世纪中期起受法国的保护, 直到1974年四个主要岛之中的三个投票支持独立)。