- reporting verb give an authoritative or peremptory order命令:
with obj. and infinitive a gruff voice commanded us to enter一个粗暴的声音命令我们进去
with direct speech 'Stop arguing!' he commanded“停止争论!”他命令道
with clause he commanded that work should cease他命令停止工作
with obj. my mother commands my presence.我母亲命令我必须出席。
- with obj. Military have authority over; be in charge of (a unit)【军】统率; 指挥; 管辖。
- with obj. dominate (a strategic position) from a superior height(战略位置)俯视, 俯瞰:
the fortress commands the shortest Channel crossing.
- with obj. archaic control or restrain (oneself or one's feelings)〈古〉控制(或抑制)(自己, 自己的感情):
he commanded himself with an effort.
- with obj. be in a strong enough position to have or secure掌握, 拥有; 可以获得:
they command a majority in Parliament
signed bindings by superb craftsmen command a high price.
- deserve and get (something such as sympathy or respect)值得, 应得, 博得(同情、尊敬等):
he commanded considerable personal loyalty.
- an authoritative order命令。
- Computing an instruction or signal causing a computer to perform one of its basic functions【计算机】指令, 命令。
- mass noun authority, especially over armed forces(尤指陆海空三军的)指挥(权), 统率(权):
an officer took command
who's in command?
- in sing. the ability to use or control something运用能力; 控制能力, 掌握:
he had a brilliant command of English.
- treated as sing. or pl. Military a group of officers exercising control over a particular group or operation【军】指挥部, 司令部。
- Military a body of troops or a district under the control of a particular officer【军】部队; 军区(在一名指挥官管辖下的军队或地区)。
at someone's command
- at someone's disposal to use or instruct由某人支配; 听从某人的指示:
I shall defend myself with all the eloquence at my command.
by someone's command
- in accordance with someone's orders奉某人之命。
word of command
- Military【军】an order for a movement in a drill(军事训练中的)口令, 号令。
- a pre-arranged spoken signal for the start of an operation(表示军事行动开始的)口令。