/ˈtaɪgrɪs/- a river in SW Asia, the more easterly of the two rivers of ancient Mesopotamia. It rises in the mountains of eastern Turkey and flows 1,850km (1,150 miles) south-eastwards through Iraq, passing through Baghdad, to join the Euphrates, forming the Shatt al-Arab, which flows into the Persian Gulf.底格里斯河(西南亚一河流, 古代美索不达米亚两条河流中偏东的一条, 发源于土耳其东部山脉, 向东南流经伊拉克的巴格达, 与幼发拉底河汇合, 形成阿拉伯河后注入波斯湾, 全长1,850公里, 即1,150英里)。