- a dull, heavy sound, such as that made by an object falling to the ground砰(或嘭)的一声:
Jean heard the thud of the closing door.
(thudded, thudding)no obj.
- move, fall, or strike something with a dull, heavy sound砰地落下; 发出沉闷的声响; 发出嘭声:
the bullets thudded into the dusty ground.
with a thud
- used to describe a sudden and disillusioning reminder of reality in contrast to someone's dreams or aspirations猛然清醒, 突然回到现实中:
school-leavers have now come back down to earth with a thud.
late Middle English (originally Scots): probably from Old English thyddan 'to thrust, push'; related to thoden 'violent wind'. The noun is recorded first denoting a sudden blast or gust of wind, later the sound of a thunderclap, whence a dull, heavy sound. The verb dates from the early 16th cent.