- a system of words, letters, figures, or symbols used to represent others, especially for the purposes of secrecy密码; 代码:
the Americans cracked their diplomatic code
mass noun sending messages in code.用密码发送消息。
- a word, phrase, or concept used to represent another in a euphemistic or indirect way委婉语; 间接的表达:
researching 'the family' is usually a code for studying women.
- a series of letters, numbers, or symbols assigned to something for the purposes of classification or identification编号; 标记。
- a sequence of numbers dialled to connect a telephone with the exchange of the telephone being called(电话)总机号码。
- mass noun Computing program instructions【计算机】程序指令:
segments of code
assembly code.
- a systematic collection of laws or statutes法典; 法规; 章程:
a revision of the penal code.
- a set of conventions governing behaviour or activity in a particular sphere行为准则; 行为规范:
a strict dress code.
- a set of moral principles and standards adhered to by a society, class, or individual道德准则, 道德标准:
a stern code of honour.
- with obj.(一般作be coded)convert (the words of a message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning把(文字信息)转换成密码(或代码):
only Mitch knew how to read the message - even the name was coded.
- express the meaning of (a statement or communication) in an indirect or euphemistic way间接地表达; 委婉地表达:
as adj. coded the speech was a coded acknowledgement of the barely suppressed rage of Tory MPs.这次演说间接地承认了在保守党议员中存在着难以抑制的愤怒情绪。
- assign a code to (something) for purposes of classification, analysis, or identification给…编号(或编码); 给…作标记:
she coded the samples and sent them down for dissection.
- no obj.
code for
Biochemistry be the genetic code for (an amino acid or protein)【生化】(某种氨基酸或蛋白质的)遗传密码: genes that code for human growth hormone.
- be the genetic determiner of (a characteristic)是(某种特征的)遗传决定因素:
one pair of homologous chromosomes that codes for eye colour.
bring something up to code
- N. Amer. renovate an old building or update its features in line with the latest building regulations〈北美〉按最新的建筑规章修葺旧建筑(或更新其设施)。