- easy to perceive, understand, or interpret清晰的, 清楚的, 明白的:
the voice on the telephone was clear and strong
clear and precise directions
her handwriting was clear
am I making myself clear?
- leaving no doubt; obvious or unambiguous无疑的; 显而易见的; 毫不含糊的:
it was clear that they were in a trap
a clear case of poisoning.
- having or feeling no doubt or confusion明白无疑的:
every pupil must be clear about what is expected.
- free of anything that marks or darkens something, in particular干净的, 尤指:
- (of a substance) transparent(物质)透明的, 清澈的:
the clear glass of the French windows
a stream of clear water.
- free of cloud, mist, or rain晴朗的:
the day was fine and clear.
- (of a person's skin) free from blemishes(人的皮肤)光洁无瑕的。
- (of a person's eyes) unclouded; shining(人的眼睛)清亮的:
I looked into her clear gray eyes.
- (of a colour) pure and intense(颜色)纯烈的:
clear blue delphiniums.
- archaic (of a fire) burning with little smoke〈古〉(火)无烟的:
a bright, clear flame.
- free of any obstructions or unwanted objects畅通的; 无阻的:
with a clear road ahead he shifted into high gear
看到前面的路畅通无阻, 他将车换到高速挡
I had a clear view in both directions
his desktop was almost clear.
- (of a period of time) free of any appointments or commitments(一段时间)空闲的:
the following Saturday, Mattie had a clear day.
- predic.(of a person) free of something undesirable or unpleasant(人)清除了(令人不快的东西)的:
after 18 months of treatment he was clear of TB.
经过18个月的治疗, 他的肺结核治愈了。
- (of a person's mind) free of something which impairs logical thought(人的心智)清醒的:
in the morning, with a clear head, she would tackle all her problems.
早上头脑清醒时, 她会应付所有的问题。
- (of a person's conscience) free of guilt(人的良知)安心的, 无愧的。
- predic.
clear of
not touching; away from未碰触的; 悬离的: the lorry was wedged in the ditch, one wheel clear of the ground.
卡车陷进了沟里, 一个轮子悬空着。
- attrib. complete; full全的, 整的; 满的, 足的:
you must give seven clear days' notice of the meeting.
- (of a sum of money) net(钱款)净得的, 纯收入的:
a clear profit of £1,100.
- Phonetics denoting a palatalized form of the sound of the letter l (as in leaf in south-eastern English speech)【语音】(字母l的音)发音清晰的(如英格兰东南部英语leaf中的l)。常与DARK相对。
- so as to be out of the way of or away from让开; 离开:
he leapt clear of the car
他一下跳离, 让开了来车
stand clear, I'll start the plane up.
站远点, 我要发动飞机了。
- so as not to be obstructed or cluttered清除了地; 理清了地:
the floor had been swept clear of litter.
- with clarity; distinctly清楚地; 清晰地:
she had to toss her head to see the lake clear again.
- completely完全地, 整整地:
he had time to get clear away.
clear to
chiefly N. Amer. all the way to〈主北美〉一直:you could see clear to the bottom of the lagoon.
- no obj. become free of something that marks, darkens, obstructs, or covers something, in particular变干净, 尤指:
- (of the sky or weather) become free of cloud or rain(天空, 天气)放晴:
we'll go out if the weather clears.
- (of a liquid) become transparent(液体)变清澈:
a wine that refuses to clear.
- become free of obstructions变畅通:
the boy's lungs cleared and he began to breathe more easily.
男孩的肺部畅通了, 呼吸就轻松多了。
- gradually go away or disappear渐渐离开; 渐渐消失:
the fever clears in two to four weeks
the mist had cleared away.
- (of a person's face or expression) assume a happier aspect following previous confusion or distress(人脸, 表情)(疑惑或沮丧后)展颜而欢:
for a moment, Sam was confused; then his expression cleared.
萨姆一阵疑惑, 随后展颜而欢。
- (of a person's mind) regain the capacity for logical thought; become free of confusion(人的心智)恢复清醒; 打消疑虑:
his mind cleared and he began to reflect.
他思路恢复清晰, 开始细想。
- with obj. make (something) free of marks, obstructions, or unwanted items, in particular使干净, 清除, 肃清, 尤指:
- remove an obstruction or unwanted item or items from清除; 扫清; 清理:
the drive had been cleared of snow
Carolyn cleared the table and washed up.
卡罗林收拾了饭桌, 洗了碗。
- free (land) for cultivation or building by removing vegetation or existing structures开拓, 开垦(土地)。
- free (one's mind) of unpleasantness or confusion使(内心)开朗; 解开(心中困惑):
the swift understanding cleared his mind.
- cause people to leave (a building or place)遣散, 清空(某建筑, 某地)的人员:
the wardens shouted a warning and cleared the streets.
民防队员大声发出警告, 遣散了街道上的人员。
- with obj. remove (an obstruction or unwanted item) from somewhere清除:
the sludge was cleared from the colliery
park staff cleared away dead trees.
- chiefly Soccer send (the ball) away from the area near one's goal【主英足】踢出解围球。
- discharge (a debt)清偿(债务)。
- with obj. get past or over (something) safely or without touching it穿过; 越过:
the plane rose high enough to clear the trees.
飞机升高, 足以越过树林。
- jump (a specified height) in a competition(比赛中)跳过(指定高度):
she cleared 1.50 metres in the high jump.
- with obj. show or declare (someone) officially to be innocent显示(某人)无罪; 宣布(某人)无罪:
his sport's ruling body had cleared him of cheating.
- with obj. give official approval or authorization to批准; 授权:
I cleared him to return to his squadron.
- get official approval for (something)获得批准, 得到认可:
the press releases had to be cleared with the White House.
- (of a person or goods) satisfy the necessary requirements to pass through (customs)(人, 货物)合格可通关, 结关:
I can help her to clear customs quickly.
- pass (a cheque) through a clearing house so that the money goes into the payee's account兑现(支票):
the cheque could not be cleared until Monday.
- no obj.(of a cheque) pass through a clearing house in such a way(支票)兑现。
- with obj. earn or gain (an amount of money) as a net profit净赚; 净得(钱款):
I would hope to clear £50,000 profit from each match.
as clear as mud
- 见MUD.
clear the air
- make the air less sultry使空气流通, 通风换气。
- defuse or clarify an angry, tense, or confused situation by frank discussion澄清事实; 消除误会:
it's time a few things were said to clear the air.
as clear as a bell
- 见
BELL1 . (as) clear as day very easy to see or understand 一清二楚, 明明白白。
clear the decks
- prepare for a particular event or goal by dealing with anything beforehand that might hinder progress为(某活动, 某目的)做好准备。
clear one's lines
- chiefly Rugby make a kick sending the ball well upfield from near one's own goal line【主英橄】发球门球。
clear the name of
- show to be innocent澄清(某人的)名声:
the spokesman released a statement attempting to clear his client's name.
发言人发布了一则声明, 想以此澄清委托人的名声。
clear one's throat
- cough slightly so as to speak more clearly, attract attention, or to express hesitancy before saying something awkward(为清晰发言, 引起注意或表示迟疑)清嗓子。
clear the way
- remove an obstacle or hindrance to allow progress为…扫清道路:
the ruling could be enough to clear the way for impeachment proceedings.
- in imperative stand aside站在一旁:
Stand back, there! Clear the way!
往后站, 喂!站一边去!
in clear
- not in code用普通文字, 不使用密码:
the Russian staff practice of sending radio messages and orders in clear.
in the clear
- no longer in danger or suspected of something脱离危险; 脱离嫌疑:
Charles was relieved that the information put her in the clear.
听说这条消息使她脱离了嫌疑, 查尔斯放下心来。
- with nothing to hinder one in achieving something(完成某事)不受阻碍。
out of a clear sky
- as a complete surprise完全出乎意外:
his moods blew up suddenly out of a clear sky.
他突然勃然大怒, 完全莫名其妙。
nounclear away
- remove the remains of a meal from the table收拾餐桌:
Adam cleared away and washed up.
亚当收拾好桌子, 洗了碗。
clear off
- usu. in imperative informal go away〈非正式〉走开:
'Clear off!' he yelled.
clear out
- informal leave quickly〈非正式〉迅速离开。
clear something out
- remove the contents from something so as to tidy it or free it for alternative use清空(某物):
they told her to clear out her desk by the next day.
clear up
- (of an illness or other medical condition) become cured(疾病等病情)被治愈:
all my health problems cleared up.
- (of the weather) become brighter(天气)放晴。
- (of rain) stop(雨)停, 霁。
clear something up
- (亦作clear up)tidy something up by removing rubbish or other unwanted items打扫:
he decided to clear up his cottage
I keep meaning to come down here and clear up.
- remove rubbish or other unwanted items to leave something tidy清除干净:
he asked the youths to clear up their litter.
- solve or explain something解决; 解释, 澄清:
he wanted to clear up some misconceptions.
- cure an illness or other medical condition治疗, 治愈:
folk customs prescribed sage tea to clear up measles.