with obj.
1- cut off the foreskin of (a young boy or man, especially a baby) as a religious rite, especially in Judaism and Islam, or as a medical treatment割除(男童, 男青年, 尤指男婴)的包皮(宗教仪式, 尤盛行于犹太教, 伊斯兰教); 对…进行环切(割)术(医疗手段)。
- cut off the clitoris, and sometimes the labia, of (a girl or young woman) as a traditional practice among some peoples割除(女童, 女青年)的阴蒂(有时为阴唇)(某些民族的传统习俗)。
Middle English: from Old French circonciser, or from Latin circumcis- 'cut around', from the verb circumcidere, from circum 'around, about' + caedere 'to cut'.