mass noun
- the expression of gratitude, especially to God感恩祈祷:
he offered prayers in thanksgiving for his safe arrival
count noun he described the service as a thanksgiving.他称这个仪式为感恩祈祷。
- (Thanksgiving 或Thanksgiving Day)(in North America) an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrim Fathers in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. A similar holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October.(北美)感恩节(每年一次的全国性节日, 庆祝方式有宗教仪式和包括火鸡在内的传统大餐; 节日源自1621年英国清教徒先辈们为庄稼丰收而举行的庆祝活动, 在美国是11月的第四个星期四, 在加拿大是10月的第二个星期一)。