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Chippendale1/ˈtʃɪpəndeɪl/Chippendale1, Thomas (1718-79), English furniture-maker and designer. He produced furniture in a neoclassical vein, with elements of the French rococo, chinoiserie, and Gothic revival styles, and his book of furniture designs The Gentleman and Cabinetmaker's Director (1754) was immensely influential. 齐彭代尔, 托马斯(1718-1779, 英国家具制造商和设计师; 以新古典主义风格制作家具, 糅合法国洛可可, 中国风, 和哥特式建筑复兴等因素; 其家具设计著作《绅士与细木工指南》[1754]极有影响)。
Chippendale2/ˈtʃɪpəndeɪl/adjective (of furniture) designed, made by, or in the style of Thomas Chippendale (家具)齐彭代尔设计的; 齐彭代尔制作的; 齐彭代尔式的。