- a river in the south-eastern US, flowing some 1,400 km (875 miles) in a great loop, generally westwards through Tennessee and Alabama, then northwards to re-enter Tennessee, joining the Ohio River in western Kentucky田纳西河(美国东南部河流, 呈环状绕流, 先是向西流经田纳西州和亚拉巴马州, 再向北流回田纳西州, 在肯塔基州西部与俄亥俄河汇合, 长1,400公里, 即875英里)。
- a state in the central south-eastern US; pop. 6,214,888 (est. 2008); capital, Nashville. Ceded by Britain to the US in 1783, it became the 16th state in 1796.田纳西州(位于美国东南部中心地区, 2008年估计人口6,214,888, 首府纳什维尔, 1783年英国把此地割让与美国, 1796年它成为美国第16个州)。