/ˈʃɑːləmeɪn/- (742-814) , king of the Franks 768-814 and Holy Roman emperor (as Charles Ⅰ) 800-14; Latin name Carolus Magnus; known as Charles the Great. As the first Holy Roman emperor Charlemagne promoted the arts and education, and his court became the cultural centre of the Carolingian Renaissance, the influence of which outlasted his empire.查理曼(公元742-814, 公元768-814年为法兰克国王, 公元800-814年为神圣罗马帝国皇帝, 亦称查理一世, 拉丁名卡洛斯·马格努斯, 通称“查理大帝”; 作为首位神圣罗马帝国皇帝, 查理曼大力发展艺术和教育, 其宫廷成为加洛林王朝文艺复兴的文化中心, 帝国灭亡后这一复兴的影响仍然存在)。