( <美> 亦作calk)
mass noun
- a waterproof filler and sealant, used in building work and repairs(用于建筑工程及建筑维修的)防水填料, 密封剂。
with obj.
1- seal (a gap or seam) with such a substance用填料或密封剂密封(缺口, 隙缝)。
- stop up (the seams of a boat) with oakum and waterproofing material, or by driving plate-junctions together; make (a boat) watertight by this method(用麻絮和防水材料)填塞(船板的接缝); 使(船板)紧密接合; 使船不漏水。
late Middle English (in the sense 'copulate', used of birds): from Old Northern French cauquer, caukier, variant of cauchier 'tread, press with force', from Latin calcare 'tread', from calx, calc- 'heel'.